Hey, it's me again! How long haven't we meet, folks, how long? Blame it on school tasks and courses schedules that seem incredulously endless (and my script that seems demands to be caress). I roughly find time to relax a bit and that's kind of infuriating.
So let's take a moment and do a survey which I found and copied-pasted from this lovely website. To be honest, most of the time I wander around blogs to get reviews for some books I want, I end up reading her! Tanpa berlama-lama, ini dia, A to Z Book Survey!
Author you've read most books from:
I don't usually count how many books from how many author I've read but... it turns out Roald Dahl! The hero of my childhood.
Best sequel ever:
I haven't finished it yet but I could sense it from miles away *sniff* Must be Just One Year by Gayle Forman!
Currently reading:
Three at time! Just One Year, Memoirs of An Imaginary Friend, The Sky is Everywhere.
Drink of choice while reading:
Plain water or sweet drinks or nothing at all. I barely remember that I need water while my hands busy turning the page.
E-reader or physical book:
Obviously I am physical book person! Can you resist the scent of newborn book? Of course not! But sometimes when I can't find the book I want in stores I end up reading from internet, from my tablet.
Fictional character you probably would have actually date in high school:
I'd like to have Augustus Waters from The Fault in Our Stars or Stuart from Let it Snow or Roger from Amy and Roger's Epic Detour or Cricket Bell from Lola and the Boy Next-Door or even A from Every Day as boyfriend! In reality I have nobody to date *cry*
Glad you gave this book a chance:
Undoubtedly Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief! I used to be that rocky-head back in days, saying such this-looks-horrible every time my friend recommended me that.
Hidden gem book:
Flipped. Love this book so much!
Important moment in your reading life:
When I found Goodreads and Periplus! Xoxo.
Just finished:
Not really "just" actually. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.
Kinds of book you won't read:
I don't have time for erotica!
Longest book you've read:
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. 1200 pages cause I remember it all too well.
Major book hangover because of:
The House of Hades. I even dreamt about it, ppl.
Number of bookcases you own:
One tall and one small (which are already too full that I have to hoard some books and let them unorganized. Hiks).
One book you have reread multiple times:
I don't know, I always reread everything I have!
Preferred place to read:
In a windowy corner of a coffee shop, a library because I get hazed-in-a-good-way with the coziness, and absolutely my bed!
Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feel from a book you've read:
"... it's always better to try and fail than to wonder what could have been." -Wanderlove. I reread this phrase over and over when I know I'm about to fail.
Reading regret:
I have that mental disorder to likeliness buying new books while the older ones are still unopened. Sorry not sorry.
Series you started and need to finish (all books are out in series):
Divergent series for sure! WHERE IS MY ALLEGIANT?!
Three of your all-time favourite books:
Too many *sob*
Unapologetic fangirl for:
Stephanie Perkins, because I fall in love with every guys she wrote about!
Very excited for this release more than all others:
The Blood of Olympus, which my countdown shows one year from now. MY FEELS.
Worst bookish habit:
Buying books and keep buying that I forget I need other stuffs (mostly when I visit a bookstore).
X Marks the spot: start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:
Stardust by Nail Gaiman!
Your latest book purchase:
The House of Hades maybe? I got this as my birthday present from my dad, actually.
Zzzz snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late):
The Statistical Probability of Love at the First Sight, maybe? I'd read it for four hours like, 10 pm-1 am.
Hi Esa:) a friend of mine read your stories and translated them for me, and because of you i intended to learn bahasa. You have no idea how fun they are. I just hope you'll always write because you're frickin potential and young. You have such clear vision and vivid imagination. Wish we could catch up someday!