mardi 29 novembre 2011

Science Competition!

Warning: I use English for this one! Sebelumnya, maaf kalo banyak kata/tenses yang salah ya, hehe :D

I woke up in Sunday morning, and looked at the clock. It was 5 am, guys. I got up from my bed and took a shower quickly. After "shalat Subuh", I packed all my stuffs to my ransel, made it sure that my pencil, book, and others was in their place. I had my breakfast and I got to my father's car, and then, we went to 19 JHS!

Two days ago was my "pusing day", haha. I've been choosen by my teacher to follow Science Competition, which means I might had a war -___- I came to 19 JHS about an hour earlier, ugh, but almost all my friends have got there, yeah! I took a rest, I sat on the floor and talked with 8th grader, Nadia, my colleague in wall magazine. Then my friend, Rakrya, came, and we talked about Physic and Biology, and he's clever in Biology, hoaha:) I borrowed his BlackBerry and sent a messenger to Sentani. We took a rest for a while. Makin siang *jdug* makin banyak yang dateng, and finally we went to our class, in room 4, 3rd floor.

In this classroom, I sat with a boy from *I'm not really sure* Labschool who had genius face (atau guenya aja yang terlalu lebai?). A woman gave us questions paper and answer paper, oh, and we used LJK, too-_-

When I looked at the text, gluk, suddenly I felt down. These questions were not as ominous as I thought before .__. 50% of the questions were 7th grader lesson! I did it lil bit "ngarang bebas" and "tau bener tau salah, yang penting kelar", and finally, this war has already ended!

With my friends, Sentani, Dyna, Rachmi, Umami, and Tiwi, we dropped from 3rd floor, and we decided to go to BlokM Square! \^^/ Kebetulan yah perut saya lapar heheh :3 Tapi sayang, Dyna couldn't join with us :( We went there by bus and I was looking for a store that sells textbooks, I mean Math, TIK, and Senbud textbooks. I've lost these textbooks and karena itu buku perpustakaan, hukumnya wajib diganti. Lagian, dikit lagi kan mau UAS. Lha ntar gue belajar pake apaan kalo nggak pake tuh buku? -____-

Suddenly my stomach screamed, and with Sentani, kita naik eskalator to 2nd floor, was looking for Fresh Bread, and yes, we found it! I bought some sweet breads and we dropped to underground floor faster.

Ulfa, my friend from 9-4, came to BlokM and then we explored 5th floor. All of us except Sentani and I were looking for movies, and after got what we want, we dropped to 1st floor again! But only me and Sentani who explored Gramedia. I was looking for some nice books but couldn't found it -_- Selain itu, duit gue pas-pasan, HAHA *modus*. After that, Sentani and I back to our house (rumah masing-masing tapi nggak ngerti cara nulisnya-_-).

Thanks God it was Sunday :)
Esa Khairina.

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