jeudi 20 décembre 2012

8 Signs That You Were Meant To Be A Writer

Do you ever wonder if you were truly meant to be a writer?

Deep down you sense that it might just be so.

But then doubt creeps in, and you just aren’t sure.

You look at your writing. You realize that you aren’t where you want to be. Maybe you just aren’t good enough?

A great writer would be further along by now, right?


If you’re reading this, chances are you were meant to be a writer. You were meant to help change the world and impact people’s lives through your words.

Here are 8 signs that you were meant to be a word

1. Secret Dreams
You secretly dream about writing. And if you already write, you dream about doing something bigger, like writing a novel, or scoring that big
freelancing client. You dream about more, bigger, better. Deep inside you know you can do it, but that pesky little voice stops you.

2. Doubt
Yes, doubt is a sign that you were meant to be a writer. If you didn’t have anything to say, you wouldn’t even think about writing, but you do have something to say, and you know it.

But doubt stops you.

However, doubt is just a thought popping up. It doesn’t feel great, but you can say hi, and keep taking tiny steps forward.

Why keep moving forward?

Because you were meant to be a writer.

3. Excuses
Your excuse for not hanging out with your friends is, “I have to write”. You aren’t interested in what non-writers are interested in. They live a different life. They sometimes seem like a different species.

Embrace this.

Don’t give into peer pressure.

If you’re a new writer, you won’t be sure what to do with yourself, but trust your inner calling. Trust your heart.

It knows what you need.

If you have to write, you have to write .

4. Inspiration
Inspiration only comes to those who can use it. If you’re a writer, you get inspired, but you also have to take advantage of that inspiration.
If you are inspired to write a novel, then start today.

Don’t wait for perfection.

Let it be messy.

Let it be chaotic.

Let your thoughts go crazy and your body shiver with fear.

But start. Right now.

5. Perfection.
When you truly care about something, you want it to be perfect.

I care about my writing. I want to help people. I want to help you when you read these very words.

And for that reason, I want it to be perfect, because in my head, I believe perfection equals value to you, but that isn’t always true.

Good enough can have a huge impact on someone’s life.

Perfection is just an idea in my head. It has nothing to do with reality.

Wanting your writing to be perfect is a sign that you care, and that’s good, because it means you will put out exceptional work, even when you feel like it’s crap.

But you have to get your writing out there.

6. Admiration
You secretly admire great writers. You want to talk about the elegant ways they craft their prose, but you often don’t have anyone to talk to,
because your friends or family may not care about writing as much as you do. This alone shows you how much attention you pay to

It shows you that you were meant to be a writer.

All you have to do is muster the courage to write and step up your game.

You are ready, even if you don’t feel it.

Step up to it and enjoy.

7. Lacking
When you don’t write, you feel like something is missing. You need to write. You need to express yourself through prose.

You know you can make a difference, but you’re not sure. We all have doubts. They’re normal, but they don’t have to stop you.

Just keep moving forward. Keep putting words out there and let the universe take care of the rest. The fruits of your labor are none of your business. All you can do is your best, so start putting your stuff out
there, even if it freaks you out.

8. Yearning
Deep down, you feel this yearning to write. It’s like someone is pulling a string that’s attached to your heart. The string is pulling you toward greatness, but you are resisting. You’re afraid. You’re worried. You’re not sure what people will think.

Let that yearning take you to where you need to go.

Forget about what everyone else is doing and follow your calling. Embrace your uniqueness, your quirkiness and your style.

Results may not come instantly, but all is well when you follow your heart.

Listen to that yearning.

Let the string take you on the adventure of your life.

If You’ve Read This Far …
You were meant to be a writer.

I’ve been writing ever since I can remember.

I’ve scribbled down crazy stories about animals when I was 6. But lately, I’ve found myself writing articles like these.

Somehow this is what comes out of me. I just keep following my excitement. I write about what makes my heart sing.

And you should do the same, because what excites you is your internal GPS telling you that you need to pay attention to that.

I have doubts, fears and worries, like everyone else. But I know I was meant to do this, because doing anything else is torture.

So if you’ve read this far, you were meant to be a writer.

All you have to do is embrace it, because deep down you know you want to.

By Henri Junttila.

samedi 1 décembre 2012

Serupa Tapi Tak Sama

Jadi, pas gue nulis nih blog, gue baru aja kelar "malmingan" sama stranger-nya Omegle. Kali ini dia cowok asal USA dan untuk pertama kalinya, gue nggak di-disconnect gitu aja. Yeay!

Jadi nama nih cowok Kyle, 18yo, dari California. Beda dari kebanyakan cowok, dia ini mature banget. Dia bilang kalo para cewek itu hard to understand tapi dia juga pengin ngertiin mereka. Gue pun cerita tentang perasaan gue ke para cowok yang sering nggak peka dan nggak menghargai kami, para cewek.

*brb remes bantal dengan unyu*

Gue tadinya udah seneng banget, apalagi dia bilang gue itu cool and nice. Oke, gue ciumin tablet gue dulu, ya.

TAPI in the end, gue bilang, "You don't look like guys trying to flirt whenever they want to." Eeeeh dia bilang, "I do like it. Flirting is fun!"

Gue speechless.

Setelah gue turn off, gue nonton AFF dan ingatan gue melayang ke masa-masa SMP. Gue inget banget, seolah kejadiannya baru dua tahun lalu, pas jelas 8 gue pernah main futsal. Berhubung gue lumayan suka nonton bola, ya gue semangat banget. On fire lah pokoknya. Tapi pas tim lawan unggul, gue jadi gemes. Ujung-ujungnya, pas si bola melambung tinggi, gue pikir pasti cool kalo menggabungkan jurus voli dengan futsal. Alih-alih tuh bola gue sundul, dengan pedenya gue smash. Tangan gue sakit, tim lawan pun dapet penalti.

Gue sakit hati....

Pelajaran moral yang bisa gue dapet dari tragedi itu, bahwa voli dan futsal emang sama-sama olahraga, tapi peraturannya pasti beda.

Di babak kedua gue berusaha tampil prima. Gue bermain sebaik mungkin. Begitu ada kesempatan, gue langsung ngegiring bola dengan serakahnya. Temen-temen gue teriak, dan gue pikir mereka pasti nyemangatin gue. Sekeren Messi, gue pun ngegolin bola.

Gue langsung masang gaya Irfan Bachdim dan ketawa-ketiwi dengan puas. Tapi....

Krik krik.

Yang lain hening.

Belakangan gue tau, kalo ternyata gue ngegolin ke gawang tim gue sendiri.

Sejak itu gue nggak lagi gaya-gayaan main futsal. Gue sadar diri kok, gue main bekel aja kalah, apalagi futsal!

Di kejadian lain, gue lagi mejeng di Nusa Penida. Gue pikir, karena gue sering snorkeling, gue juga pasti keren di bawah air, a.k.a. diving. Gue juga asal angguk pas instruktur diving-nya ngasih wejangan. Setelah make pakaian selam sama tabung oksigen, gue pun nyemplung.

Ternyata apa yang di bawah beda sama apa yang ada di atas. Visibility air jelek dan gue megap-megap. Seorang engkong-engkong Norway pun membantu gue naik ke permukaan. Nyokap langsung over dan nyelimutin gue pake handuk warna-warni. Masalahnya, tabung gue masih nempel, begitu juga kacamata dan sebagainya. Gue tambah bingung ketika seorang bule ber-tanktop minta foto bareng gue. Pas dia ngasih liat hasil fotonya, gue paham kenapa dia minta foto bareng. Jelas, karena gue udah gaada bedanya sama kura-kura ninja.

Di kejadian terakhir, gue lagi di Lombok dan nyasar. Tadinya gue cuma mau keliling hotel, tapi bablas sampe tiga kilo jauhnya. Akhirnya gue janjian sama bokap di sebuah warung. Nah, sambil nunggu, gue pun mesen mi instan rasa soto, yang warnanya ijo itu lho! Nah si Mbok penjual nanya dengan ayunya, "Pedas atau nggak, Nak?" Gue stay cool dan sambil benerin headset, gue bilang, "Yang pedes ya Mbok."

Pas pesenan gue ditaro di atas meja, gue bingung karena cuma ada semangkuk air coklat kental. Ternyata pedesnya bukan dikasih saos, tapi cabe!!! Karena duit gue pas-pasan, gue cobain.

Sesendok, nggak kerasa apa-apa.
Dua sendok, gue gelagapan nyari air.
Tiga sendok, gue nangis.

Parahnya, duit gue nggak cukup buat beli minum karena harga semangkuk Indomie *akhirnya kesebut juga mereknya* dibanderol gila-gilaan, 11 ribu!!! Karena pedesnya ekstrem dan gaada cara lain, dengan kreatifnya air kobokan gue minum. Untung bokap gue dateng di TKP persis pas gue nyaris semaput. Akumulasi efek dari makan mi instan terkutuk dan minum air kobokan, gue mencret tiga hari. Pas di Soetta pun gue ninggalin koper di bagasi gara-gara blingsatan nyari toilet.

Pelajaran moral: lidah kita boleh aja bicara bahasa yang sama dengan maksud yang tak beda, namun sesungguhnya, "pedas" adalah satuan yang tak bisa dihitung.

Anyway nulis ini juga bikin gue inget sama mantan gue yang dari F itu. Mari andaikan namanya itu Fuyengcekalih. Nah dulu kan gue bertemu dia di suatu tempat bimbel berinisial P, dan kami sebelahan, trus pacaran, trus putus. Nah sementara sekarang dia di Aussie, gue di Indo ikutan bimbel lagi, kali ini inisialnya G. Di sini, ada juga yang namanya persis Fuyengcekalih dan kami duduk deketan beberapa kali. Tapi Fuyeng yang ini ga akrab sama gue, malah termasuk cold. Dari sini gue belajar, nama boleh sama, tapi kalo hati sudah menetapkan pilihan, lo ga bisa berbuat apapun. Ibarat lirik lagu, "You can't get rid of it cause you remember it all too well."