mercredi 18 octobre 2017

Whoa, I have a travel blog! (And a heavily romanticized poetry blog)

I'm usually lousy and mix everything I own in one place. Take, for example, my notes at college. Absurd at its best, unreadable at its worst. But I prefer practicality any day.

Until I hit the road and stumbled upon many, many stories I knew instantly I NEEDED to tell. And it can't be crammed into this blog since this one--I love you still, Blogger, I do--has contained enough rant about my misfortune already. So I made a new one, and you can read it on (it's clickable, and yes, only the domain changed).

Oh, I also have a poetry blog! Beware, all of these came when I was at the most unstable, lovesick-mess self. But of course, maybe you can relate to these poems since you're in luv: (also clickable, and maybe lovable!) <3

I received some inbox and realtime question that all went like, "Do you still write?" The answer is I do, and I'm so happy I can write across any media. I still write fiction and non-fiction, some of them I only rewrote from people whose voice were being silenced (I worked at a humanitarian NGO and an environmental NGO and wrote at their platform).

Thanks for reading! I will write here anytime soon! :)