lundi 7 mai 2012

Dear You, With Love

Entah kenapa, hari ini gue jadi melankolis begini...

Well, pertama mungkin karena tadi gue masuk kursus, dan gue tiba-tiba sadar kalau ini adalah minggu terakhir gue ada di Room 7 di bawah asuhan Mr. Keegan. Yap, Mr. Keegan, saudara-saudara! Guru yang gue idam-idamkan setengah mati! Si Kembaran Robert Pattinson! When I realised this week's gonna be our last week together, suddenly I want to cry.

Kenapa? Karena dulu, sebelum gue diajar sama dia, setiap malem gue mimpiin dia. Tapi pas gue diajar sama dia, gue nggak repot-repot nulis post untuk memberitahu pada dunia soal progress kelas kami. Gue biasa-biasa aja. Gue lupa kalo it won't last forever. Gue lupa kalo we'll be apart someday. Dan pas someday-nya udah dekeeet banget, barulah gue nyesel.

Nggak tau kenapa Mr. Keegan adalah sosok yang menginspirasi banget. Gara-gara dia, gue nulis dua novel. Masih dalam tahap penulisan, sih. Semua itu gara-gara dia. Dia adalah guru terasyik dan terbaik yang pernah gue temuin. I guess I'll never find someone like him *setel lagu Adele*

Buat kalian yang lagi sayang sama seseorang dan punya kesempatan sama mereka, sayangin terus mereka. Gue pernah denger kutipan gini, "You'll never know what you have until it's gone."

Yah, bukan cuma itu loh, yang menyebabkan gue ngerasa kehilangan. Gue juga kehilangan seseorang. Gue nggak mau nyebut namanya di sini, biar orangnya tau sendiri aja :'3 Pokoknya dulu kami seringggg banget bareng-bareng. Ke mana-mana bareng lah pokoknya. Dan gue ngelepasin dia gitu aja, cuma gara-gara kesalahan kecil yang bahkan mungkin dia nggak sadar. Barusan gue baca blognya dia and suddenly I was like, "I was so meaningful to her, so why did I throw her away?" 

Now it's too late to regret.

But life goes on. Two people I love will fly away from my life, and maybe I'll never catch them for the second time. 

Pepatah bilang, "Better late than never." So I just want to say it to you both.

Dear Sir Keegan. I still remember the first time we met on the downstairs. I still remember the first day I was being your student. I still remember all your games. I still remember your kitten and your cockroach. I still remember all your madness. I still remember all your drawing, all your jokes. And I still remember your laughter, though. Before you let me go, I just wanna say, "Thank you." Thanks for being so kind, so nice, so patient to have a student like me. Always be funny! Always be the best teacher, the best native speaker of ILP! With love, your-going-to-be-mad-student, Esa :')

And for her. Dear You. I remember all laughter and tears. I remember our crazy times. I remember when you calm me down. I remember when became your shoulder to cry on. And the craziest, I still remember your "nggak nyantai" laughter. I remember all your little gifts and present. I'm sorry for all mistakes I've done to you. Always be a nice friend to everyone, but not too nice. And I just wanna say to you, "This life is tough, dear. You have to be strong. Or if you can't, you have to pretend to be strong." With love, your simple-and-"irit ngomong"-ex-friend, Esa :')

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